
We are very happy to announce that Shaykh Mohammed al-Hilli’s tafsīr programme will be returning next week, starting from Tuesday the 12th of January. We will be continuing with our tafsīr of the twentieth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Sūrat Ṭā Hā, picking up where we left off at the sixtieth verse of the chapter. The programme will begin at 7PM and will last for roughly an hour, being followed by a programme aboutQur’anic akhlaq at 8:30PM (see below for more on that). It will take place in the Noor Trust Building at 4 Dalston Gardens, Stanmore, HA7 1BU – please try to be punctual as we will be adhering to a tight schedule. The programme will continue regularly every Tuesday at 7PM as we venture further and further into Sūrat Ṭā Hā.

We have already had twenty weeks of tafsīr in this programme and the feedback has been very positive. Shaykh Mohammed takes a very dynamic path when it comes to the tafsīr sessions, exploring ideas around theologyjurisprudencespirituality,history and contemporary life. Each session is usually focused on a particular theme and, in order to expand on the exegesis of a particular verse, Shaykh Mohammed often makes recourse to other verses from the Qur’an and to traditions from our Holy Prophet and his Household (a). Each session is very illuminating and worthwhile, and open to all. Whether you’ve been attending the previous sessions of the programme or have only found out about it now, you’re very welcome and we’re sure you’ll find it useful. You can also read the summaries of some of the previous tafsīr sessions here.